Posts tagged Your Highest Self
How To Dismantle The Ego's Resistance and Build Trust In Psychedelic Integration

The conscious part of the mind that gives one a personal sense of identity is called the Ego. It is an archetype that is mentally represented as the sum of the person you think you are through a collection of other identities and stories such as age, gender, occupation, preferences, etc.. The Ego itself is very fragile and easily threatened. It functions to keep you safe by steadfastly holding onto what is familiar and comfortable.

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Integration is a Practice of BEING Your Highest Self

Psychedelic Integration is a practice of BEING your Highest Self through attuning to the internal discrepancies that create a gap between our life as it is lived right now, and bridging that gap through external actions that are practiced consciously every day. Everyday, showing up to exemplify that you are ready to BE you, Your Highest Self.

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