On Integration And Discipline

Much is touted about the process of psychedelic integration happening through practices of some sort - meditation/movement/journaling are the holy trinity. But more than the type of practice it’s the consistency that makes for a fruitful and healthy integration. It’s you actually showing up regularly for yourself that makes the difference!

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Shiri Godasi
How To Dismantle The Ego's Resistance and Build Trust In Psychedelic Integration

The conscious part of the mind that gives one a personal sense of identity is called the Ego. It is an archetype that is mentally represented as the sum of the person you think you are through a collection of other identities and stories such as age, gender, occupation, preferences, etc.. The Ego itself is very fragile and easily threatened. It functions to keep you safe by steadfastly holding onto what is familiar and comfortable.

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Microdosing In Psychedelic Integration: A Handguide

Microdosing psychedelics is a practice introduced to Western culture by silicon valley tech entrepreneurs touting its ability to boost their creativity and productivity in highly competitive work environments. In this article we will discuss microdosing in popular practice, the diverse ways it can be helpful as part of a mindful integration practice tool as well as some considerations when approaching microdosing.

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Psychedelic Integration & Your Relationships: A Welcomed Wake Up Call

The insights gained in psychedelic states invite us to examine our relationships to anything and become aware of aspects that we were not aware of before - or refused to be aware of by ways of denial and repression. In the latter case, this new awareness to truth as it is without sugarcoating can be sobering and difficult to digest. This can be especially challenging when it comes to people like close friends, family members and romantic partners that we feel strongly about.

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Psychedelic Integration & The Mind/Body Connection

Our body is host to our soul, or our psyche. Psychedelics heighten the mind-body connection through permeating the unconscious and raising it to consciousness, bringing awareness to various psychological and physical mechanisms that we were previously unaware of. On a daily basis the unconscious orchestrates our personality, directs our actions and creates our reality. In psychedelic integration, as we become aware of psychological, physical and spiritual imbalances, we have an opportunity to form a healthy, conscious relationship with our body. This article will show you how:

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Protocol for Psychedelic Therapy and Integration

For psychedelic therapy and integration, a set time frame of 6 months is ideal and feasible. In this time, one starts by setting long-term goals (where do I want to be in 6 months?), have time to prepare for experiential sessions and process psychedelic material after the sessions. Additionally there is ample time to adopt new habits and induce real change in their lives. Here is my model:

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After The Trip: Immediate Psychedelic Integration Techniques

Following your transformational psychedelic experience, engaging in immediate integration techniques can be beneficial for your mind, body and spirit. While there might be a temptation to translate the experience into meaning or a need to understand it better, trust that this will happen in due time. For the days following a psychedelic session, your strategy can do well focusing on grounding, nurturing and recovering activities in order to return to a balanced state of being.

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Listen, Learn, Integrate

Integration is looking at life as an ongoing, never-ending ceremony, That is meant to bring our awareness to the order of all things. An order divinely designed to support our growth and evolvement, as individuals and as a species, spiritually speaking.  A ceremony, a psyche-delic/soul-manifesting journey, Where every person has a role, Every interaction is an instigator, Every event is a symbol, and chains of events are intentionally-designed, sequential and causative. And events will keep repeating themselves, give or take some details, until we realize we are only inserting ourselves into the exact same sets, same stages, same stories. 

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The Psychedelic Youth Elixir

In an ocean of conservative black attire there I audaciously stood out in white and green velour nature-themed outfit. Seems like I entertained many guests throughout the evening; in an Iranian community it is uncommon for a female to defy codes of conduct and boldly present herself. People were curious. Not the happiest of circumstance that has brought hundreds of people together but what a blessing it was to reconnect with members of my tribe after too many months and years. And what a gift it was to hear over and again, “You are more beautiful than you ever have been”. “You are radiant”. “You look peaceful”. “You keep getting more beautiful”. My physical age is 41 solar returns. My Spirit’s many lifetimes, with many more to go. What’s my secret?

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Integration Does Not Hurry

One of the beautiful yet pesky things about the flow of psychedelic integration is that lessons tend to unfold over time. While some psychedelic journeys can seem clear as day in the insights and messages they provide, others are vague. I’m reminded over and again how patience is a virtue in when integrating peak experiences like psychedelic journeys.

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Shiri Godasi Comment
A Guide to Starting a Community Psychedelic Integration Circle

Though we are completely out of the psychedelic closet, I sometimes half-humorously refer to PsychedeLiA’s integration circles as “Psychedelics Anonymous”, simply because the organic evolution of our meetings seems to have surpassed the original intentions. Our circles have become somewhat of a culture, becoming the primary place to meet “The Others”. If you’re interested in starting psychedelic integration circles in your area and not sure where to begin, here are some guidelines to get you going:

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Integration is a Practice of BEING Your Highest Self

Psychedelic Integration is a practice of BEING your Highest Self through attuning to the internal discrepancies that create a gap between our life as it is lived right now, and bridging that gap through external actions that are practiced consciously every day. Everyday, showing up to exemplify that you are ready to BE you, Your Highest Self.

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Why Would I Need An Integration Program When Psychedelics are the Healers?

It is true that invaluable insights, lessons and healing opportunities present through the entheogenic journey, and these on their own can be utterly life changing. It is thought that entheogens shine a conscious light on content that can be beneficial for the journeyer to know at that point in their lives. While the finger is pointed at that which needs to come into awareness, oftentimes the information is left at that, without an obvious correlation to the journeyer’s life or an understanding of how to utilize it.

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Resign To Redesign

If creation is a transformative process of re-creation, the creator must always be prepared to augment or release the original intention they had as the vision’s essence continues to refine. Psychedelic integration, if anything, is a process of refinement and re-creation - of one’s Self and of one’s life. My psychedelic integration practice in recent months has revealed the need to redefine my professional palette along with new visions that are waiting to emerge. After a sincere attempt to balance the current  load it now feels necessary to clear my desk in order to allow new assignments to realize their potential.

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Fungi Child

In the depth of 5 grams there I found my 5 year old inner child, trapped beneath the overwhelmed, overworked and tired moma, wife, daughter, friend and professional facades. A misunderstood face of rejection and loneliness, she was ugly but cute, obnoxious and endearing. Sweeping her into my arms I made a choice to forgo the familiar sensation of victimhood and claim ownership of this neglected piece of myself.

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In The Realms of Consciousness: Psychological Processes of Psychedelic Integration

Psychoanalyst Carl Jung denied ever using psychedelic substances or administering them to patients and fervently challenged their use as means for personal growth. This article examines the foundations of the psychedelic integration process through core concepts of depth psychology, and how potentially solidifying fleeting psychedelic experiences through ongoing integration practice can further amplify and sustain the inevitable undertaking of human transformation.

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The Pregnant Integration Caterpillar

Heading down the rabbit hole of pregnancy and my upcoming role as a mother, this is a raw account of my psychological transformation and the ways psychedelic integration was the much-needed vehicle of growth that prepared me for the next stage of my personal, professional and spiritual evolution. 

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Shiri Godasi Comment
Psychedelics and the Transpersonal State: Preparation & Integration

The transpersonal realm is a direct experience of spiritual dimensions within non-ordinary states of consciousness, surpassing reality perceived in everyday consciousness, and can be extremely difficult to integrate into ordinary states of consciousness. Responsible creators of the psychedelic experience users have a high level of agency over the way they can prepare to meet transpersonal states, and how they safely integrate these states in the aftermath. Here are some preparation and integration tools.

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The Meaning & Purpose of Psychedelic Integration

An aspect that is often overlooked in psychedelic use is the importance of integrating the psychedelic experience following the session. Psychedelic integration is the mindful rebalancing of the mind, spirit and body, and actively anchoring the insights gleaned in the psychedelic realm in our default state of consciousness and everyday lives. But what does the integration process look like, and what is its ultimate purpose?

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